Value System

We create a warm corporate culture that grows together with the satisfaction and happiness of employees, which we make our top priority.

  • Mission
    'A company that believes in the value of family and creates a better world'

    Together, we create a healthy future for children, and a happy culture for the family. We make the world a better place.

  • Vision
    Based on creative products and trust, we are leading a lifestyle trend that creates an affluent life.
  • Core Value
    We provide safe products and high-quality services to consumers with the heart of a mother who clothes and feeds her children.
    We respect other people’s opinions with open hearts and open minds, and derive synergy through conversation.
    Through unconventional thinking and ceaseless research, we always pursue novelty and practice without fear.
    Social responsibility
    We feel a sense of responsibility for the effect that our work has on society and are striving to create a world where we can live together in harmony.